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Suture Stitch Cutters

Suture Stitch Cutters

An Alternative to Suture Cutting with Scissors Did you know scissors are not the only option for removing sutures? We manufacture suture stitch cutters designed just for that purpose. Our line of stitch cutters makes quick work of suture removal and can be disposed of...
Blade Remover Safety Solutions

Blade Remover Safety Solutions

In the age of COVID-19, a greater focus has been put on safety. For many of us that means disinfecting surfaces, washing hands and wearing masks. But for many that also involves better safety protocols in their working environment. That’s where blade removers...
Dermaplaning Blade Options

Dermaplaning Blade Options

With the reopening of salons across the country, there is an increasing demand for a quality dermaplaning blade and we have the products to help you fill that need. Dermaplaning is a non-invasive procedure that gently exfoliates the epidermis to leave it...
Raising the Surgical Blade Standard

Raising the Surgical Blade Standard

Our heritage hasn’t changed but our tag line has. Cincinnati Surgical has provided surgical blade manufacturing excellence since 1938. Our blades have always been produced with the highest quality raw material and unmatched manufacturing processes. We’ve...
Healthcare Supply Chain – Surgical Blades

Healthcare Supply Chain – Surgical Blades

A healthy supply chain is imperative to the success of our healthcare system.  As a manufacturer of surgical blades, Cincinnati Surgical is excited to support the #IAmTheHealthcareSupplyChain movement.  The healthcare supply chain permeates all aspects of...
Cincinnati Surgical COVID-19 Update

Cincinnati Surgical COVID-19 Update

It’s been a week since we last communicated with you and thought it might be helpful to provide and operational update. Hopefully this message finds you, your employees and everyone’s families still healthy.Fortunately not much has changed here at...